Gracefully, a swan gets into the water,
It flaps its white wings and moves elegantly;
It has a beautiful face,
and moves around effortlessly,
in the blue water.
Gliding this way and that,
it intensifies the beauty of the pool.
Everyone is admiring the swan's ballet,
and the swan is performing so elegantly
that people are awe struck!
The swan is completing its final move with
an extraordinary swish of the legs
and leaves the pool.
When the audience ask the swan its name,
it doesn't speak - because, it is a brain injured swan.
Mommy is the swan's voice.
Mommy says, the swan's name is Sai -
and, remember, this swan will not stay brain injured for long.
This swan is the pioneer swan.
This swan will speak and when it does,
its speech will be as elegant as its dance.
Saying this mommy smiles.
The swan smiles back.
-Sai Kishore
( YEAR 2019)
Showing posts with label Sai's Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sai's Poetry. Show all posts
Poem: Intelligence and wisdom
I am calling all the people in the world to listen.
I have something very important to share with you.
Indecisive, decisive,
Incomplete, complete,
Absent, present,
You see…
Black or white,
Yin or yang,
Phases may turn from black to white,
white to black and back to white again.
Many of us don't realize that
in between black and white
lie all the colours.
You cannot go from black to white
without crossing a few shades of grey.
Similarly, you cant go from yin to yang ,
without a period of transformation.
You have to change your actions ,
if you want different and better results.
Shades of grey will be the most challenging part of your transformation.
Being a human being,
we are blessed with a sophisticated brain.
We can do so many things
that other animals can't even imagine doing.
But, are we all reaching our full potential?
I would say no, we can do better.
Many of us are intelligent
but not wise.
You can read a lot of books and become intelligent and knowledgeable,
but wisdom comes only through action and introspection.
Most of us are not even functioning at the conscious level.
Instead ,we are performing by habit -
Not even aware of what we are doing.
Most of the time, we all are like programmed bots.
We all must strive to find ourselves
for our own good and the world's betterment too.
Whining and complaining
will gain you sympathy, not results.
Results are more valuable than sympathy.
Now, you decide…Results or excuses?
Wisdom is underrated, intelligence is overrated.
I see this and I am disappointed.
Children, I can understand.
Adults too!
Now I am stumped.
People, please don't be afraid,.
It is okay to make mistakes.
Learn from it and move on.
Don't get stuck.
The world is yours.
Seize the opportunities.
Excel in what you do.
Add more value to this world.
We can do it.
We will become wiser and more intelligent.
But, first, believe in yourself !
Thank you for lending me your ears.
All the best!
( YEAR 2019)
I have something very important to share with you.
Indecisive, decisive,
Incomplete, complete,
Absent, present,
You see…
Black or white,
Yin or yang,
Phases may turn from black to white,
white to black and back to white again.
Many of us don't realize that
in between black and white
lie all the colours.
You cannot go from black to white
without crossing a few shades of grey.
Similarly, you cant go from yin to yang ,
without a period of transformation.
You have to change your actions ,
if you want different and better results.
Shades of grey will be the most challenging part of your transformation.
Being a human being,
we are blessed with a sophisticated brain.
We can do so many things
that other animals can't even imagine doing.
But, are we all reaching our full potential?
I would say no, we can do better.
Many of us are intelligent
but not wise.
You can read a lot of books and become intelligent and knowledgeable,
but wisdom comes only through action and introspection.
Most of us are not even functioning at the conscious level.
Instead ,we are performing by habit -
Not even aware of what we are doing.
Most of the time, we all are like programmed bots.
We all must strive to find ourselves
for our own good and the world's betterment too.
Whining and complaining
will gain you sympathy, not results.
Results are more valuable than sympathy.
Now, you decide…Results or excuses?
Wisdom is underrated, intelligence is overrated.
I see this and I am disappointed.
Children, I can understand.
Adults too!
Now I am stumped.
People, please don't be afraid,.
It is okay to make mistakes.
Learn from it and move on.
Don't get stuck.
The world is yours.
Seize the opportunities.
Excel in what you do.
Add more value to this world.
We can do it.
We will become wiser and more intelligent.
But, first, believe in yourself !
Thank you for lending me your ears.
All the best!
( YEAR 2019)
Essay : AEIOU
I feel that AEIOU are the back bone of the English alphabet.How many words have you
seen without AEIOU? I haven't seen any.
I am in a deep thought library. Words are neatly arranged in files under various categories. I move
around in my thoughts library and choose the required word myself. I have a whole section
dedicated to the English language.
When I am tired or confused, I can't access my library. So, I get frustrated and cry.
Luckily my library is open most of the time. I am glad that I am adding new information everyday,
and my library is growing.
Thank you AEIOU!
Do you wonder what I mean?
I hope you remember that AEIOU are the backbone of the English alphabet.I thank the back bone of my library.The AEIOUs of my life are Mommy, Daddy,
Chanu, Family and Doman philosophy.
The back bone of my life.
Family is always and forever!
My lovely grandma, friendly Deepu, sweet Shanthi, caring grandpa and affectionate Indu.
I love all of them.
My family.
I have thanked the Doman philosophy because it is the greatest reason for my progress.
The force behind our actions.I cannot explain in words the genius of this
method, wow!
Mommy, thank you for doing the program.
Daddy, thank you for believing in me and mommy.
Chanu, thank you for your love.
Family, thank you for your patience.
Doman International, thank you for your belief in me.
Listen AEIOUs I will not fail you.
This is a promise.
I am Sai, Neo Sai.
I am the pioneer, I will do it!
So that others can do it quicker than me because I will have removed all the obstacles and made a
clear path.
- Neo Sai
(YEAR 2019)
seen without AEIOU? I haven't seen any.
I am in a deep thought library. Words are neatly arranged in files under various categories. I move
around in my thoughts library and choose the required word myself. I have a whole section
dedicated to the English language.
When I am tired or confused, I can't access my library. So, I get frustrated and cry.
Luckily my library is open most of the time. I am glad that I am adding new information everyday,
and my library is growing.
Thank you AEIOU!
Do you wonder what I mean?
I hope you remember that AEIOU are the backbone of the English alphabet.I thank the back bone of my library.The AEIOUs of my life are Mommy, Daddy,
Chanu, Family and Doman philosophy.
The back bone of my life.
Family is always and forever!
My lovely grandma, friendly Deepu, sweet Shanthi, caring grandpa and affectionate Indu.
I love all of them.
My family.
I have thanked the Doman philosophy because it is the greatest reason for my progress.
The force behind our actions.I cannot explain in words the genius of this
method, wow!
Mommy, thank you for doing the program.
Daddy, thank you for believing in me and mommy.
Chanu, thank you for your love.
Family, thank you for your patience.
Doman International, thank you for your belief in me.
Listen AEIOUs I will not fail you.
This is a promise.
I am Sai, Neo Sai.
I am the pioneer, I will do it!
So that others can do it quicker than me because I will have removed all the obstacles and made a
clear path.
- Neo Sai
(YEAR 2019)
Sai's Dream Show : Breaking All Mysteries With Sai The Super Boy.
Today I will show you the beauty of the Ancient Egypt. I am a great fan of this civilization. Come
on let’s go into the world of ancient Egyptians. I am taking you for an exciting trip.
Here is the great Nile river, Egypt’s source of life - Right from food to transport. It is a busy place.
Nile floods once a year and agriculture prospers.See how the people are celebrating their lives.
I feel so much joy in traveling to this place and showing you the beauty of this river.
I am Sai the Super boy taking a break. Let’s travel to the city of Thebes in the next episode.
Have a great day. The life of Egyptians to be continues…
Hey Sai the super boy is back. Let's pick it up from where we left in the last episode - Nile river.
Can you feel the heat of the sun? Hot in the mornings and afternoons, cold in the evenings and nights. Now it is noon. Hot winds are blowing on my face. The Nile is hot too. People are working. Can you smell the wind bringing the aroma of carefully arranged harvest being loaded on the boats. I am loving this. I am now going to take you to the city of Thebes. Come on. Let’s go now!
( I want to take a break. I want to hear what I typed)
( I am ready. Shoot start!)
I am a lover of this city. We have arrived by boat. Can you see the wide array of sand dunes? I feel that this city is a lot more mysterious than it looks. Thebes the trading city of the ancient Egyptians' old kingdom and the capital of the new kingdom. The great city where the Pharaohs resided once is
now deserted. Once upon a time it was buzzing with people and animals.
( I want a break now)
Hey! Sai the super boy is back!
Welcome to the show. Today let’s talk about the Egyptian civilization in detail. Do you know King Tut? Tutankhamun , the boy king. Tuts coffin and death mask was not even made for him. It was his mother Nefertiti’s. Shocking isn’t it?
Kings are called Pharaohs in Egypt. Pharaoh Amenhotep was the father of Tut. He was a ruthless ruler who wanted to bring down the power of priests. So he created new Gods and built new temples. He rules Egypt with queen Nefertiti.
After they died , priests regained their lost power and king Tut became the new king. Tut was a small boy and he ruled Egypt with the help of the ministers. Sadly, he died young and was suspected to have been a handicap or injured in the battle. Tuts tomb was discovered by Howard Carter and it was
with the funds provided by Lord Carnarvon.
(I need a break)
Tut’s tomb was an extraordinary discovery. It was discovered intact and untouched. The tomb had many things like chairs, vases and even bread. There was a chariot and few other royal items like perfumes and jewels inside the tomb. Do you want to see Tut’s tomb and the tomb treasures. Wow I am
now going to take you for a wonderful trip. Time travel!
Zooing! We have arrived.
Can you see the tomb’s entrance door? Down the steps is our destination. I can already sense your excitement. Come on, let’s go down the steps and into the tomb. I am moving the door and creating an entrance for you. This is the tomb of Tut! Here we are!
Can you see the golden mummy case it is called a coffin. Inside this coffin is King Tut’s mummified body. We cannot unwrap it now but that must not stop you from imagining what and how a mummy would like. I am so intrigued by Tut’s death mask. People think of this mask whenever someone says ancient Egypt. We can safely say this is one of the greatest tomb treasures ever discovered. The most
interesting part is that this mask is not Tut’s. It is Queen Nefertiti's. I will give more details on this controversy later.
Let’s have a look at the death mask in detail. Feel the gold plated blue painted jewel adorned mask. Wow ! What a master piece! Beautiful.. I am mesmerized. Look at the eyes. I have no words to describe the craftsman skill involved in making this mask. I know that it is such a great opportunity for us to come here by travelling through time. Else how would we even see this intact tomb even before carter found. What a privilege. Let us look around the tomb now.
I will now take a break.
Note: Text reproduced without any alterations.
This was written over a period of few days as his dream project where he wants to do a shooting in Egypt and present a show.
Poem: A Poem For Shanthi
I love you Shanthi
You are a lovely person
Like pretty flowers bloom and spread fragrance
Your smile spreads light
Happiness is what you want and wish for others too
I am admiring your kindness
You touch my heart and soul
Kindness is your strength
Keep your strength alive always
Kindness is a rare virtue
You have it
That makes you a special person
You can change the world
You can achieve
Beautiful heart
Sweet smile
Warm touch
Pure love
That is Shanthi.
Caring for others all day is what she does
She is a friend and caring person for me and chanu
Like stars in the night show travellers the light
You are a guiding beacon for me
Poems are not enough to praise you
I will give you the gift of everlasting love
Always keep smiling
Your happiness is our light
I love you Shanthi.
[ Poem written by Sai for his grandma Shanthi’s birthday]
( YEAR 2018)
Essay: My Ideal Room
I would like a room that is small but not too small. I like blue, so blue colour curtains will make me
happy.Blue bedsheet with white or gold is my dream bedsheet.
I like a clean room with so much space to move . No hanging clothes because it is distracting. No sofa,
no table, full of free space.No mosquitoes, no fan, lots of light.
I like clean floor, because I lick sometimes. Carpet is a good addition. I like fluffy carpet because it
is easy to creep on it.I would like a beautiful blue carpet but any colour is okay. Walls need to be
light blue or grey. It will look nice.
Deep blue for pillow. Doors can be blue or white. I would like to offer Chanu to stay with me. Does
he like blue? I want a nice smell in my room. Essential oils. Hmm. Okay. I like different smells
and different times. I like quiet rooms, Easier for me to work. Chanu’s sound is an exception.
Many sounds bother me, I like good music.
Poem: Daddy
I admire daddy,
Chanu admires him too.
Daddy is a hero.
He believes in himself and
he encourages me to do the same.
Chanu is also a daddy's admirer,
I know.
Daddy means challenge, coach,
personality developer,
and a real life hero.
Many times he suffers like a candle
to give me the gift of light.
He is a breathing god.
God is real.
He is here!
Daddy's love is pure.
He is my idol.
I love him.
I am a happy boy only because,
he has provided me the right opportunities
to prove my chances of excellence.
Daddy always love me like this.
Thank you.
( YEAR 2018)
Poem : Grandpa is Good
Grandpa is good
I like grandpa's care,
He loves Chanu and me.
I feel better when he carries me downstairs,
He is strong for his age,
Age is just a number,
He has defied it.
I am proud of him.
He rocks!
I feel he should be healthy for many more ages to come.
He has a bad habit.
It is smoking.
Smoking kills.
He should stop smoking,
it weakens him.
Will he do it for me?
I wish he does.
I care for him.
- Sai Kishore
( YEAR 2018)
Poem: Brother Love
My brother is the best.
He kisses me and motivates me.
He claps when I do my program well.
I wish I could do the same for him.
I have learnt to clap now
and it is for him.
He is a lovable boy.
I admire his mobility and manual skills;
He is a baby,
yet he teaches me many things.
He has a heart of gold
and eyes of fire,
He is strong but gentle.
He is a cutie pie!
I want to hug him the whole day and
tell him wonderful stories at night.
I will protect him and
be his big and best friend.
I love him always and forever!
- Sai Kishore
( YEAR 2018)
Poem: Happy Birthday to You Grandma !
I wish you a very happy birthday!
You are a beautiful person in and out.
Like the moonlight, your affection spreads on us,
Like the sunlight your radiance is.
Calm at times, Stormy at times,
Whatever you do has good intentions behind.
Sweet like a cake when you show me love,
I am so in awe.
Kind and generous person you are.
You are the light of our family.
Always keep smiling because you are so pretty.
We love you Lakshmi.
You are the best!
- Sai Kishore
(28 January 2019)
Poem: Life and Love
I am neo sai.
I am going to write a deep poem.
I thank Daddy for calling me.
My poem is on life and love.
I am a four year old.
I have been on earth for four years.
Four years of joy and sorrow,
Pleasure and pain,
Laughter and tears,
Celebrations and mournings,
Progress and setbacks,
Oh my god!
How much life in these four years!
Joyous times pass quickly,
Painful periods move slowly,
Then how did I live these four years!
Love makes you push through the pain,
It makes you dance in the rain,
Cool breeze across the face,
It is love.
My mommy is the epitome of love.
She is my voice.
She is my happiness angel.
My daddy is the mountain of faith.
His overflowing love has pushed me to achieve the
My Chanu is the cutest brother anyone can get.
His actions look flawless like his beautiful heart.
What a lucky person I must be!
- Neo Sai
( YEAR 2018)
Poem for Pinkfong
I love pinkfong.
I know pinkfong for more than 3 years.
I am now dedicating this poem to you -
(the creators of pink fong).
Pinkfong is my pink fox friend,
I know pinkfong and he knows me.
Always lovely and happy!
He sings in many languages.
I often watch the English and Spanish songs.
Pinkfong is fun ;
but informative as well.
Not many shows are like pinkfong;
Colourful, bright and musically nice.
I might grow up and stop watching pinkfong
or may be not;
But I will always remember pinkfong!
Years may go by,
pinkfong will stay.
He will enrich and add colour to kids' childhoods.
There will be a child who loves reading,
Another who loves math,
Another who loves space,
Pinkfong has something to give them all.
Sometimes I keep watching the same songs over and over,
I find it soothing to my hypersensitive ear.
I have learnt a lot from Pinkfong.
Many different topics have been added.
I love it but since i am a big boy now and I want to keep
watching pinkfong ,
Will you add more new and advanced topics?
I would love to see Egypt based songs if possible.
Thank you for creating Pinkfong.
I am forever grateful to you for being a part of my lovely
childhood and my education.
A Letter To His Staff Coach
Hello Rosalind,
I am Sai. I am good. Hope you are well too.
I wanted to attend the evaluation this time and creep independently before you but unfortunately I won’t be coming this time. I will meet you and creep independently in the next evaluation.
Currently, I am enjoying my physical and intellectual program. It is so much fun. There is pain but
whenever I think about the faith you have on me I tell to myself “Do not fail Rosalind!”.
I believe in myself and my family. We will achieve great things together. I am able to read independently ,
write through FC and even host shows. I am grateful to you and Jagjit for giving me FC board.
Physically, I am now able to creep short distances on my own. I am hoping to creep independently the next time I meet you.
I thank you for taking the time to read my letter.
Sai Kishore.
Poem: Sorry
I may have been upset,
But what I did was wrong;
I may have been angry,
Still I did a wrong thing;
I may have been hurt,
Still not an excuse.
Instead of solving my small problem,
I inflated it into a big problem.
I could have handled it better,
But I made a mess.
Sai the super boy became Sai the stupid boy.
I apologise for my bad behaviour.
I am sorry mommy and daddy.
Please forgive me and love me always and forever.
(Nov 17,2018)
Poem: May there be a good life ahead!
I know that you have been suffering
physically, mentally and financially.
I know that you have been trying hard
to come out of this.
I know that you are working tirelessly
towards your goals.
I know that you are hoping
for a change.
I can see that the beautiful life you deserve is going to become a reality.
Your hard work will reap fruits very soon.
That day is near.
Very near.
You will live the life you dreamed of.
May you have the best of whatever life offers you.
Poem: I love my life
I have a dear mommy, daddy and brother.
I have a beautiful house where I can do my program.
I have a marvelous brain that is growing every day.
I eat healthy foods and drink clean water.
I am very strong and healthy.
I am having a wonderful family
They help me achieve my goals and dreams.
I am blessed with a beautiful life and I love it!
( YEAR 2018)
Poem : I love history
History is beautiful,
History is life of the past,
It is interesting and very captivating,
I can’t stop thinking about it.
It is like a black hole,
but of the good side.
Pulling me in deeper and deeper.
I tried resisting it
but I failed.
Joann Fletcher gave me an insight on Egypt.
I will show the world the beauty of history.
Many will love it,
but I will be a humble history man.
I will be happy.
I will love my life for I will be creating history.
I will be remembered as a great history man and writer.
I will make my parents proud.
( YEAR 2018)
Poem: Don’t lose hope
I was like you,
Hopelessly trying to make sense of my life.
Many days were an absolute misery.
I have cried myself to sleep because
I was in pain.
Pain was not just in the body.
It was in my brain.
I suffered to understand the reality.
I never got it right and
I kept on failing.
Failure is a bitter experience,
but it is a good teacher.
Failing to understand is not really a failure
failing to try is.
Don’t lose hope.
Help is around you.
Open your mind.
Let the light inside.
(YEAR 2018)
Poem : Brain is beautiful
I have a small brain,
I am brain injured,
I have a deep injury,
But nothing of that matters!
My brain is beautiful,
It can learn anything.
It is not a fixed machine,
But an ever changing one.
It is complex and there lies its beauty.
I have a marvelous brain.
I can learn many things and remember them
and use them when needed
I am proud of my small but efficient brain.
I can do math.
I can creep and crawl.
I can read and understand English, Tamil and Spanish.
I am growing my brain everyday.
I am a beautiful brain boy.
(YEAR 2018)

Poem : Love is a gift
Love is a gift
Love is beautiful,
Love is caring,
Love is real,
It is a golden egg.
Many people want love.
But they do not give it.
Love is a nice feeling,
Makes me feel warm in the coldest times.
Love makes me smile,
It has made me work hard.
Love is tough,
but it is very forgiving.
Love is my strength,
it gives me power.
Love is sweet.
Love is great.
To every person it is so.
I am so loved,
To be loved is to be blessed.
Do I know that love is a gift?
Yes, I know.
How about you?
( YEAR 2018)
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