Showing posts with label Glenn Doman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glenn Doman. Show all posts

How I started teaching my baby using flash cards...

How I found out about Glenn Doman and his method of teaching:

I stumbled upon when I was randomly surfing the internet about brain development in babies. After reading through all the information I felt a little overwhelmed. For some unknown reason I felt compelled to try it out with my baby. The methods listed in the website were Glenn Doman's method and Shichida's method.I went with the Doman method.

Why I chose Glenn Doman's method:

1. Flexibility - you do not need to start from the first if you have missed a few days of the program.
2. Fun - The method promised fun for both the parent and the child.

Flash card method: 

Before jumping into the teaching stuff , I wanted to check whether he liked to look at flash cards. So, I made a trial set of 3 cards ,in big red font on a white background and flashed it quickly in front of him. He looked at the cards intently and smiled. I thought to myself "Oh well! It works. Or may be it doesn't. I will need to make more cards in order to know whether this program works."

I have been using Glenn Doman's method for the past 6 months to teach my son words and numbers. 
Whenever I show him the cards he smiles broadly which encourages me to move forward with this method. The only drawback in this method is that the method is against testing babies since testing kills fun. Glenn Doman says "Never test your baby". We just have to assume that he would have learnt the words or numbers or whatever that is shown in the cards. 

So far, I've showed him a lot of English words, dot cards for numbers and pictures( encyclopedic knowledge program). Making the cards is time consuming and requires a lot of effort from the side of the parents. 

flash card- sample 1
Flash card- sample 1

Dot cards- for math
Flash card- couplets- sample

Does it work? 

It is too early for me to comment about the results. I do not know whether the method works. Moreover, I do not care whether it works; as long as he smiles whenever I show him flash cards I will keep doing it. 

I hope that when he starts to speak I will come to know whether the program has worked or not.


'Teaching young babies'

Some people are totally for it and some are totally against it.

There are researches that support early learning and claim that they work; and of course there are researches which claim that these methods are a waste of time. You can see a lot of YouTube videos where kids less than 3 years old are reading books and identifying pictures. On the other hand there are a lot of newspaper articles which say these methods don't work. 

You need to decide for yourself whether this is the kind of method you want to use to teach your baby. Trust your parental instinct - because a parent never does the wrong thing for his/her child.

Do you want to follow this method of teaching with your kid?

The founders of this method claim that this works well if you start early.For more information you can visit the or read the how to teach your baby to read book.

I have uploaded the flash cards that I had made for Sai in the free materials section. Instead of trying to make everything on your own, just download the ready made files with a single click and save your precious time.

You can also visit & for many more free materials. 

The only suggestion I can give is - Do not concentrate on the results. The moment you start concentrating on results , the fun part will vanish.

What do you think about using flash cards to teach babies?

*Update- 1/03/16* The flashcards do work. Though he is not verbal yet, he chooses the right word when offered options and he can even do math( dot cards). I would definitely recommend this method for teaching young kids.

The Developmental Profile

What is the developmental profile?

A developmental profile is a chart to measure the development of a child. It is broadly classified into 2 categories - Sensory & Motor - which is further classified into 6 categories - 3 under sensory & 3 under motor.
  • SENSORY: Visual, Auditory & Tactile
  • MOTOR: Mobility, Language & Manual.
These 6 categories are divided into 7 stages as per age (from birth to 6 years). So we have a total of 42 boxes in the developmental profile.

click here to view the developmental profile.

In simple words , sensory skills are receptor skills and motor skills are expression skills.


Visual : eye sight and its efficiency
Auditory: hearing and its efficiency
Tactile: Feeling (through skin) and its efficiency.
Note: Skills of Smell and taste are not taken into account.

Mobility: Movement and its efficiency
Language: Speech and its efficiency
Manual: Use of arms and hands and its efficiency.

The 7 stages( divided by age ) are assigned the VIBGYOR pattern for colors. The 1st stage is colored red. The 2nd is Orange, the 3rd is yellow and so on till the 7th stage . 

The developmental profile is easy to use and it helps us compare a child's neurological age with his chronological age, determine the rate of growth of a kid and so on. 

For more information: 

Read the 'How smart is your baby ?' book by Glenn Doman

Thank you for reading this post. Do you have any information to add to this post? If so, please leave a comment below. 

6 months - 9 months - a 3.5 min read

6 - 7 months :

  • Said 'baa' for the first time
  • Started playing with his pacifier
  • Started sitting for 45-50 seconds when placed in the sitting position

The shivering that occurred when he was in his 5th month repeated itself. This time the episode lasted for 5 minutes. The moment the shivering ended he looked comfortable as if nothing had happened.

Those shivers resembled 'shudder attacks' which are neither common nor uncommon in infants below 1 year. 

A few times he twisted and turned himself as if he was cramping due to dehydration. This was different from those shivers and was same only in the fact that he was still fully conscious and responding.

During this period he had nearly 10 attacks of both types together. Those attacks were only a minute or so in length. It looked as if he had no control over his body when the attack occurred.

7 - 8 months :

The shudder attacks were continuing. When we asked his pediatrician about those attacks he said that they were not seizures and that we needed to consult a neurologist to know more.

Half way through this period the shudder attacks completely stopped and instead , all of a sudden, one day he started to bob his head. The head bobbing went on for a week and stopped abruptly.

It was this period that we started to question our beliefs. Was our baby boy really free of medical issues? He started to show delay in achieving his milestones. The boy who was achieving all the required milestones way ahead of his peers was starting to lag.

I had my own theories for what was wrong with him. I strongly felt that we could almost always tell what problem someone has with their brain by observing what he/she is not able to do and we can correct it to some extent by proper stimulation. Say for example, if someone has a problem with posture and balance and is unable to co ordinate his movements , it is highly likely that his cerebellum is damaged. So, if we try to stimulate his cerebellum, his posture and balance might improve.

I found that Glenn Doman , whose method of teaching I was following for Sai , had worked with a lot of brain-injured children and all his learning methods were a product of the research done with brain-injured children. I contacted the IAHP( )and they were polite enough to answer my questions. Finally, they suggested that I read the " What to do about your brain-injured kid" book by Glenn Doman for a complete understanding.

The book was an eye-opener and it cleared most of my doubts. The main reason I liked the book and believed in it is that the theory I had and the idea of the book coincided. For more on my views regarding the book and therapy click here

We bought the ' Fit baby, smart baby, your baby' book, also by Glenn Doman and started giving him the exercises mentioned in the book.  Within 2 weeks of starting the program we were able to see so much changes in him both physically and skill wise. 

Seeing significant improvements after implementing the exercises, we bought the ' How smart is your baby book?' in order to evaluate him as per the developmental profile designed by Glenn Doman. We found that our baby was lacking skills in the motor and manual areas. In other areas he was perfectly on time with his peers. 

8 - 9 months :

All the shudder attacks & head bobbing were gone for good. 

By the end of 9 months,
  1. He was still not able to sit without support
  2. He was not able to crawl in cross pattern
  3. His left hand was not good enough with grasping objects.
  4. He was not able to point at objects nor was he able to look at an object that was being pointed at.
  5. He didn't take mini push ups.
Even though he met a lot of little milestones , the list of milestones that he did not meet was becoming longer . He had developmental delay. We had to accept the fact that he needed special care and attention. 

'What to do about your brain injured child' - book review- a 2 min read

' What to do about your brain injured child' book written by Glenn Doman is one of its kind.

What to do about your brain injured child book by Glenn Doman

The term 'brain injured' is quite comforting to hear ( consider mentally retarded.. it is not nice to hear.. is it?). An injury has a chance to heal ; the term 'brain- injury' gives hope to parents (who have hurt kids ) that their kids might heal. 

According to Glenn Doman, everyone is brain-injured. Brain injury is like a spectrum.We all have it to one degree or another. 

Once we complete reading this book we will start to realize that brain-injured people are human beings just like us. They might have extra needs but their basic needs are the same as ours - they need love, care and affection. They are smart but they do not know how to express it or may be they are not able to express it. 

This book gives a new perspective in treating brain-injured kids and even adults. Though these methods are not yet popular in the medical community I hope one day they will find their way through.This is not a how-to book; it is just a book that details out the journey of how Glenn Doman and his associates discovered this kind of a treatment and why it works.

The treatments given for brain-injured children at IAHP include

1. Masking - to enhance breathing 
2. Patterning - to help a brain-injured kid with mobility
3. Stimulation of the 3 senses- visual, auditory and tactile
4. Hanging from a bar & brachiating

and much more...

Not many of the above mentioned treatment methods are approved by the AAP as scientifically valid. Still, we can find many parents who have achieved success with their kids by following this program religiously. 

I personally liked the book because I was able to relate the concept of brain-injury and healing with the theory that I already had in my mind. 

If you are a parent of a brain-injured kid then this is a must read. Even if you are not going to follow this method for treating your kid it might be of use to gain some knowledge about brain-injury.

Note: I am not affiliated to IAHP in any way.