Showing posts with label developmental profile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label developmental profile. Show all posts

SK is 18 months old- Update

After 4 months of intense therapy, we charted his developmental profile.

Developmental profile- SK- 18 months

VISUAL: He has moved three blocks up. That is a great news!
AUDITORY: He has moved 1 block up. He is in the process of reaching the goal 'understanding of 10 to 25 words and 2 couplets'.
TACTILE:He has moved 1 block up.
MOBILITY: He still remains at level 2. Yet, his crawling technique has improved. Now he can crawl up to 200 ft/day. He is now pushing up on his arms with the intention to sit up.
LANGUAGE: He has perfected level 3. On his way to level 4
MANUAL: His prehensile grasp has improved a lot. Now he is able to bring both his hands forward to receive or take an object. The control in his left hand is still less than perfect so he stays in level 3 functional.

According the developmental profile at 18 months we see that his neurological age is 9.25 months. In a span of 4 months he has grown for approximately 4 months and now his injury is moderate, relatively diffuse and bilateral. This evaluation was done at home and a formal evaluation is yet to be done. We are planning to take our son to Philadelphia this year in order to get a complete evaluation and work plan.

We are so happy with the improvements and we look forward to seeing much more like this in the near future.

For more information on IAHP & Glenn Doman visit their website :
For the initial developmental profile of SK click here

My experience : The 'What to do about your brain-injured child course?'

'The What to do about your brain injured child course' is a 5-day video course that teaches parents of brain-injured children on the whys and hows of treating their child.

My experience:

Overall it was a fantastic experience and it is a course that I would recommend every parent of a brain-injured child to attend.

The content and time period: 

The course was divided into 3 major parts- intellectual, physical & physiological over a span of 5 days.
Every day started between 7-9 am and ended by 7 pm (approximately). Some days were longer than the others due to the content discussed.Every topic was discussed for an hour followed by a break of 10 mins.

The auditorium & food:

The auditorium was purposely maintained cold and the explanation for it was given in the course. The food was not even palatable , in my opinion, and we attributed it to the cooking style of the hotel where we had lunch. Only by the 3rd day we were told that there was no salt in our food and that is why the food tasted bland(can also be read as bad).

DAY 1:

The first half of the day was mostly about introductions; introduction of staff, course etc. By mid-day, the lessons started and it was all about brain injury- what it is, the causes, how to deal with it and so on. 

DAY 2:

Day 2 was the continuation of day 1 and it was a bit more scientific in approach. After lunch, the developmental profile was discussed and the parents were taught how to evaluate their children. With the help of the staff, everyone created the initial developmental profile for their children. Personally, I liked this day very much because it helped me see where my child was and where he needs to move up on the profile. 

DAY 3:

This day was dedicated to the Physical aspect of the program.

We were made to crawl and creep. Though the whole activity was fun , it also helped us realize how tough it is for our children to crawl and creep.
We were made to pattern children (Different types of patterning for different age-groups of children).
There were also live demonstrations for crawling and creeping by children who have been on the program. It was a touching experience to see children who were determined to move in spite of their injury.

DAY 4:

This day was dedicated to intellectual and physiological excellence.

This part of the course dealt with the importance of the flashcard program( reading) and why it would benefit the child if included in the daily routine.

Physiological excellence:
It was all about creating a toxic-free environment for the children and following an excellent nutrition program.

We were also made to design our home program as a part of the home-work.

DAY 5:

Summary & certification ceremony.

IAHP Course Certificate
My certificate

All of us were requested to answer the question "What is the most important thing that you have learned?".

Everyone had something wonderful to say and it was enlightening to hear what other parents felt. Most of them have been through a lot and it was evident in their speech.

The course concluded with the certification ceremony.

You can check out more about this course at

Note: I am in no way endorsed with IAHP and the above written text is my own experience. I have not received any monetary benefits for writing this article.

The Developmental Profile

What is the developmental profile?

A developmental profile is a chart to measure the development of a child. It is broadly classified into 2 categories - Sensory & Motor - which is further classified into 6 categories - 3 under sensory & 3 under motor.
  • SENSORY: Visual, Auditory & Tactile
  • MOTOR: Mobility, Language & Manual.
These 6 categories are divided into 7 stages as per age (from birth to 6 years). So we have a total of 42 boxes in the developmental profile.

click here to view the developmental profile.

In simple words , sensory skills are receptor skills and motor skills are expression skills.


Visual : eye sight and its efficiency
Auditory: hearing and its efficiency
Tactile: Feeling (through skin) and its efficiency.
Note: Skills of Smell and taste are not taken into account.

Mobility: Movement and its efficiency
Language: Speech and its efficiency
Manual: Use of arms and hands and its efficiency.

The 7 stages( divided by age ) are assigned the VIBGYOR pattern for colors. The 1st stage is colored red. The 2nd is Orange, the 3rd is yellow and so on till the 7th stage . 

The developmental profile is easy to use and it helps us compare a child's neurological age with his chronological age, determine the rate of growth of a kid and so on. 

For more information: 

Read the 'How smart is your baby ?' book by Glenn Doman

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