3 months - 6 months - a 2 min read

3 - 4 months :

  • Started the Glenn Doman reading & math program when he was 3 months old.
  • He loved reading different kinds of books- touch and feel books , puppet books , picture books and even sound books.
  • Started to understand emotions through tone of voice. 
  • Started demanding that we rock him to sleep and he wouldn't sleep otherwise.
  • Head control - was able to raise head to 45 degrees and hold it steady
  • Slept overnight for the first time
  • Started rolling with ease

4 - 5 months :

  • Started semi - solids.
  • Started thumb sucking.
  • Started blowing bubbles
  • Was able to hold objects for more than 20 seconds when placed in his hand.
  • Was saying words like 'a-goo','mm-aah' etc.
  • Started lifting his bottom to push himself forward
  • Started using rake grasp

One day , he started to shiver violently as if he was feeling cold . I wrapped him up in a blanket and hugged him close to me.
Even though he was shivering, he was fully conscious and was still responding. The episode ended in 2-3 minutes.
We thought that it was a SEIZURE. It had happened only once so we couldn't conclude anything out of it. It did not occur again in the next few weeks.

5 - 6 months :

  • Started grabbing his legs 
  • Started to understand object permanence
  • Started trying to imitate facial expressions
  • Started grabbing and pulling objects towards himself


  1. Passing things from hand to hand
  2. Sit without support
  3. Crawling in cross pattern
  4. Mini push up

Since it was only 4 milestones that he had not achieved by the end of 6  months we were not much worried. We still believed he was completely normal except for the fact that he had a small head. Even his pediatrician was amazed at his progress and he said that it was okay if the baby was not able to sit unsupported by 6 months and that there was still time . So, we continued providing him a stimulating environment and did not worry much about milestones.

For his pictures from 3 - 6 months click here

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