My pregnancy story - part 4 - a 2.5 min read

(19/04/2014) We decided to continue with the pregnancy. We opened up about the scan results to our families. They were not supportive of our decision.
Against everyone's advice , we wanted to go ahead and have the baby.We burnt our bridges by taking such a decision. No turning back... We knew deep down that it was a life-changing decision; but a decision that we would never regret in life.

(20/04/2014) 'Easter Sunday'. My birthday. An expectant mother could not have asked for a better birthday gift - gloomy prognosis for her baby - Genetic counselor: "Microcephaly is a neuro-developmental disorder. It has no cure.The prognosis for your baby is poor. He might even be a vegetable... blah blah blah ... ".  Despite the pressure and stress that we had , some kind of a hope returned.We felt strong enough to move forward.

(21/04/2014) That day was 21st April -  I turned 21 years old and my baby was 21 weeks old.

From April 22nd 2014 ...
We had so much hope that a miracle would occur and our baby would be born with a normal sized head.

After a month: Finally our families got convinced and started supporting us. The doctors too stopped asking whether we wanted to abort the baby. Everyone around me thought that I was committing the greatest mistake of my life. Some people think that way even now.

At around 32 weeks of gestation I had terrible pain and I thought I was going to go into labour. I was afraid that the baby would be born prematurely. Luckily, the pain subsided after some hours.

From Aug 15th 2014 ...
I started getting impatient. I wanted to meet my baby soon. I was in complete hope that he would be born normal. I was constantly checking whether I had any symptoms or signs of going into labour.

(21/08/2014) A google search can be a disaster at times. I suddenly started to itch all over my body. When I started searching about it I found that it could be cholestasis of pregnancy. Most of the symptoms matched and I was scared to the core. Cholestasis can lead to still birth. I started getting tensed and I was praying God to keep my baby safe.

(22/08/2014) (in the 39th week of gestation) The itching started becoming worse as time passed by. I was so badly wanting labour to start right then so that I could have my baby safe in my arms. Late evening , that day, I got a strong feeling that my baby would be born by that time the next day.

(23/08/2014) Around 2 am I started to get contractions. It was irregular and very mild. As time progressed the baby's movements became stronger. By 6 am my waters broke and I went to the hospital. The labour was approximately 11 hours.

Sharp at 5.07 pm : Welcome to this world Sai Kishore!!!

For one second I hoped that he would have a normal sized head. No. It did not happen. He had microcephaly and it was evident; but it did not matter to me even a bit... He looked beautiful.

Doctors thought that he might not even survive natural birth, To their astonishment, he fought his way through and survived.

He proved the doctors wrong.He continues doing it every day...

We are proud to be Sai Kishore's parents. He is our hero. We will always love him no matter what.

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